Building Stewardship
In November, Christ Church hosted and helped serve a Thanksgiving Dinner to families from Opportunities for Hope, a local family shelter.
If a church could have DNA, it would be easy to identify the ancestors of this Parish. Its music history is embedded in North Worcester County, Fitchburg in particular and in Christ Church's history as well as in the spiritual lives of its Parish. Recognizing this, we believe the Spirit of God moves in dynamic ways in Fitchburg when our church gets engaged fully in where God leads us.
In 2021, the City of Fitchburg came to Christ Church and asked if we would partner with them in supporting their development of an artists community in Fitchburg. In a move to embrace this partnership, our Organist & Choirmaster enthusiastically redesigned his role into a Minister of Music & the Arts, incorporating his existing duties as organist and choirmaster with developing local artists partnerships and coordinating Christ Church building rentals.
This year we had two major artist organizations take up residency at Christ Church: the Fitchburg Cultural Alliance and The Stratton Players theater group (who have historical ties to our Church). Not only do these residencies help fulfill our commitment to the development of a local artists community, but they also assist with our strategy for financial sustainability.
We engage with our community by showing Fitchburg what Jesus meant when he said..."Love your neighbors as yourselves". In this case, we share what feeds our hearts with the community around us... a respite for a hurting heart toward everlasting love. Feeding the soul.
In the profile: