8:30 AM - A quiet, reflective service using traditional language
10:30 AM - Family service using contemporary language and including a whole range of musical styles with organ, choir and instrumentalists.
LIVESTREAM - our second service is livestreamed on YouTube, Facebook. Click Livestream in the navigation menu.
Choose FLOWERS under the ‘Give to:’ drop down
Indicate who the flowers are given FOR and BY in the Note/Memo section
We have two adjoining rooms across the foyer from the worship space which are available for parents and their young children to use on Sunday morning. Please speak with an Usher for more details or if you'd like to use this space.
What can I expect when I come on Sunday?
Relevant preaching that makes practical sense for living in the present
Historic worship that keeps us connected with the best Christian practices of the past
Authentic hope in prayer and praise that draws us closer to God’s good future.