Planning Our Future Together!

The CAT closed at the end of November, and we had a fantastic participation rate. We had 69 total responses! On behalf of all of us, thank you so much for taking the time to complete those questions. We know it was a long survey but the data we have received from it is so important in shaping our understanding of who Christ Church is and where we hope to go from here. We met with Rich Simpson who interpreted the CAT for us. We will be making a presentation of the results at the Annual Meeting on February 4.

Through the month of January, the committee is meeting regularly to discuss the CAT results and generate areas and questions that need further fleshing out. We will then schedule ‘listening events’ with you to dig deeper and get more insight into these areas. We cannot complete any of this without you, our church community. Watch for more information in our bi-monthly newsletter.

If you have any questions, please contact Pauline Roy at 978-855-1356 or at or talk with any of our committee members below.


What is a Parish Profile?

The parish profile is the document on which a prospective applicant for rector will base their decision to take the application further. It needs to be an appealing document to attract the right person. It needs to give a sense of ‘what it is like’ in this place and should give information beyond the purely technical. It is a ‘shop window’ of life in your parish.
It offers them an understanding of:

  • who we are

  • what your vision of the future of your parish is

  • what you can offer

  • what you expect

Parish Profile Committee

Members not pictured:

Linda Thibeau and Michele Callahan